Hotel Information
Need a place to stay while attending the Celtic Music Festival and Highland Games?
We’ve partnered with two fantastic hotels that are offering a discounted rate. They are located side by side and should be $119 per night plus taxes. Complimentary Breakfast Buffet is included in the rate.
If you call, tell them you are with Highlands and Islands. The booking links should take you directly to the discounted pages. Cutoff is 10/08/2024
Hilton Garden Inn Gulfport and Residence Inn Gulfport by Marriott
Book now through October 8th to save!
We’ve partnered with two fantastic hotels that are offering a discounted rate. They are located side by side and should be $119 per night plus taxes. Complimentary Breakfast Buffet is included in the rate.
If you call, tell them you are with Highlands and Islands. The booking links should take you directly to the discounted pages. Cutoff is 10/08/2024
Hilton Garden Inn Gulfport and Residence Inn Gulfport by Marriott
Book now through October 8th to save!
Marriot Residence Inn: 228-867-1723 |