The Maccrossan School of Irish Dance, is a traditional Irish dancing school that was formed in January 2001, on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and in Mobile, Alabama, under the direction of international dance soloist, Julie Black, who has performed and taught workshops in many locations in America and also in England, Holland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland. The mission statement of this school is to spread the love and preserve the beauty of Irish dancing by teaching traditional jigs, reels, and Ceili dances. The school performs at festivals, fairs, weddings, private parties, clubs, churches, schools, theatres, shopping malls, etc. The dancers also participate in feises (competitions) in the Southern Region.
New members are always welcome, and we will be happy to let you have the first class for free!
Call 228-239-2422 for further information.
Website : http://maccrossanirishdance.jigsy.com/about
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maccrossan-School-of-Irish-Dance-122730924429588/
Julie Black: Founder, owner, choreographer, teacher
New members are always welcome, and we will be happy to let you have the first class for free!
Call 228-239-2422 for further information.
Website : http://maccrossanirishdance.jigsy.com/about
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maccrossan-School-of-Irish-Dance-122730924429588/
Julie Black: Founder, owner, choreographer, teacher